Level 1, Suite 102, 5-7 Secant Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
Autism 11

Parent Support

At APSuccess, we understand that being a parent can be extremely challenging at times. This is especially true for families who have to provide extra care and support for children with special needs. These challenges may also lead to stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. At APSuccess, we offer counselling sessions for mums and dads to support them as they navigate the difficulties in their daily lives.

In particular, the sessions aim to:

  • Provide strategies to increase your confidence in parenting.
  • Provide strategies for concerning behaviours that your child may exhibit at home or school.
  • Provide an outlet for you to openly discuss any challenges or barriers that you face as a parent.

APSuccess recognises that for some families, their obligations and responsibilities may mean that it can be difficult for their child to receive support in a clinic. Parental support may be an alternative method to provide therapy to your child, via the therapist supporting the parents to become the therapists.

Contact Us
Level 1, Suite 102, 5-7 Secant Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
We offer psychology services via face to face or telehealth appointment.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday closed
Phone Number: 1300 939 147

    Online Referral Form

    It would be advised you called 1300939147 or email [email protected] to speak to one of our trained clinicians for further professional advice.
    Call 1300939147 or email [email protected] to enquire about relevant capability building supports under NDIS.
    * Upon sending your details, you consent for APSuccess staff to make contact and discuss your situation further.